Secondhand smoke in children: how secondhand smoke affects children's development and health

  Secondhand smoke, also known as secondhand smoke or ambient smoke, is a serious threat to the health of children around the world. The chemical properties of tobacco smoke and the biological susceptibility of children make them particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Let's take a look at how secondhand smoke affects

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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Psychological effects of passive smoking: Invisible injuries

  Most of us are aware of the physical effects of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke, also known as ambient smoke or secondhand smoke, is responsible for a number of serious health problems, including heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. But what about its impact on our mental health? How does secondhand smoke affect our mind and emotional well-being

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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Health effects of secondhand smoke: Facts and myths

  Secondhand smoke, also known as ambient smoke or secondhand smoke, is inhaled by non-smokers and is a known health hazard. Consisting of smoke emitted from the end of a burning cigarette and smoke exhaled by the smoker, it contains more than 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic and about 70 of which are known carcinogens. Among the health

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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Passive smoking risk groups: Why are some at higher risk?

  Passive smoke, also known as secondhand smoke or ambient smoke, is smoke that is inhaled by non-smokers who are in the vicinity of tobacco smokers. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of toxic compounds, including many known carcinogens, and poses a serious health risk. What's more, certain groups of people are more exposed to secondhand smoke and

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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Secondhand smoke statistics around the world: How big is the problem?

  Secondhand smoke, also known as ambient smoke, is smoke from burning tobacco that is inhaled by non-smokers. It is a global public health problem that has serious effects on people around the world, both adults and children. To understand the magnitude of this problem, let's look at the latest statistics on secondhand smoke worldwide.  

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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The basics of secondhand smoke: What it is and how it affects us

  Passive smoke, also known as secondhand smoke or ambient smoke, refers to smoke that is inhaled by non-smokers in close proximity to those who smoke. Passive smoke consists of two main components: the smoke that is directly emitted from the tip of a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe, and the smoke that is exhaled by the smoker.     What

Autor: AdminData publikacji: 22.05.2024
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